085:为什么 AR 眼镜不会成为苹果的救星?

上周,苹果迎来 iPhone 发售 10 周年纪念,毫无疑问,iPhone 是苹果历史上最具影响力的产品。而在 iPhone 发售 10 周年的时间点里,既可以回顾过去,比如上周来自媒体的各种纪念和回顾,也可以展望未来,比如投资人 Gene Munster 就写了一篇文章来预测未来五年苹果公司的发展趋势,其中特别提到了一点,AR 眼镜会是下一个重要产品! Munster 写道: Our best guess is that Apple Glasses, an AR-focused wearable, will be released mid FY20. This is based on the significant resources Apple is putting into AR, including ARKit and the recent SensoMotoric Instruments acquisition. We believe Apple see’s [sic] the AR future as a combination of the iPhone and some


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Zhao Saipo

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