DailyMe #2018-11-06 新 iPad Pro 评测、自动驾驶的法律空白以及人脸识别的道德观等

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  1. 新 iPad Pro 评测出炉。昨天晚上一大波新 iPad Pro 评测出炉,其中影响比较大的来自 The Verge 的评测,详见这里。事实上,这些评测大同小异,大家无一例外地将 iPad Pro 作为电脑的替代品来看待,尤其是在此次 iPad Pro 野兽般的性能加持下,iPad Pro 似乎具备了替代笔记本电脑的能力,但事实远非如此,我曾在上周的一期会员通讯里指出:此次 iPad Pro 发布,苹果只兑现了一半的承诺
  2. 微软和沃尔玛推进合作。两家公司稍早前建立了云服务的战略合作,如今,两家公司将在得克萨斯州的奥斯汀成立一个专门的机构,一方面是研发基于 Azure 云的应用程序,另一方面则是推进沃尔玛的上云步伐。
  3. 电影公司使用机器学习来分析电影预告片。20 世纪福克斯公司使用计算机视觉技术,通过一帧一帧分析其他电影预告片里的元素,可以快速了解电影所针对的群体,从而形成一个电影预告片预测模型,该技术来自于 Google Tensorflow 开源框架。
  4. IDC 数据:平台市场连续 16 季度萎缩。数据显示,2018 年 Q3 全球平板电脑出货量为 3640 万台,较去年同期的 3990 万台下降了 8.6%。至此,平板电脑市场已连续 16 个季度出现同比下降


  1. 自动驾驶依然面临法律空白。上周,Google 旗下的 Waymo 获得了加州首个全自动驾驶的资格;同时,大众和英特尔旗下的 Mobileye 达成合作,计划于 2019 年在以色列推出自动驾驶出租车服务;百度也在上周宣布了自动驾驶的相关进展,但目前各国,尤其是美国的相关法律制定还处在一个非常早期的阶段
  2. 华而不实的 AI 影像。医疗影像及忽视 AI 目前在医疗领域的唯一规模应用,但无论是产业环境还是产品成熟度都无法满足当下的需求,而商业化变现更是遥遥无期




该公司日前在新加坡开设了分公司,依图公司东南亚、港澳地区技术总监 Scott Ong 在接受媒体采访时,谈了他对人脸识别道德观的看法:

When asked about concerns raised over intrusion of privacy and misuse of individual data, he said his company could not access customer data, as it was not the firm collecting the information.

On the debate of individual privacy, Ong said that consumers download applications because they are offered financial returns, such as free drinks or discounts for buying goods.

“How individual data could be used depends on an agreement in society,” he added.

Prinya Hom-anek, a cybersecurity expert in Thailand, said that the decision on adopting facial recognition and other technologies related to AI comes down to privacy concerns.

“If a shop-owner installs a camera embedded with a deep-learning machine that could recognise the faces of everyone walking in or passing by his shop, then what is individual rights. Many may not be happy with it,” he said.

He believed that the technology is being used at some shops in Thailand and the government may install the cameras at airports for the purpose of picking out criminals and those under police investigation among air passengers.

He agrees with Thai commercial banks adopting the technology for financial transactions, similar to some banks in China.

“However, it should be used with tighter authentication requirements, such as an additional pin number in order to ensure customer security,” said Prinya.

The Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), a public organisation under the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, is tasked with drafting the data protection law, but its initial draft has met with widespread criticism.


Zhao Saipo

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赵赛坡,科技博客作者、资深科技观察家、付费科技评论 Dailyio 创始人、出品人,覆盖 3000+ 付费用户。 曾担任 TechTarget 中国区记者、频道主编、AI 自媒体「机器之心」前联合创始人。