DailyMe #2018-11-22 北京信用分规划、宝马自动驾驶出行服务以及 Google 云的人事乱局

如果你对我挑选的话题感兴趣,欢迎订阅 Dailyio 会员服务,作为 I/O 会员计划的 2.0 产品,Dailyio 将继续通过付费的门槛过滤、筛选读者群体,为优质读者提供全球视野的科技商业洞察。


北京将在 2020 年完成常住居民信用分建设。《北京青年报》的这篇报道虽然没有提及技术领域的细节,但如果没有互联网层面的数据支撑,信用分也无从谈起,而且,报道还特别指出,失信将「一处失信、处处受限、寸步难行」,这也让成为数字时代的「新刑罚」。

宝马从下月起成都提供自动驾驶出行服务。路透社的消息称,宝马的子公司宝马出行服务,已经获得了在成都开展自动驾驶出行的许可证,预计从 12 月份开始提供服务。

AWS 更新多款机器学习产品。距离 AWS 年度大会不到一周,AWS 提前更新了多款机器学习产品,包括文本转语音的 Polly、实时翻译服务 Amazon Translate、多语言标注转换服务 Amazon Transcribe 等。

UPS 利用人工智能避免坏天气对物流的影响。UPS 的这项计划主要是为了应对美国暴风雪的影响,通过对天气数据的分析,提前配送或延后配送。




Google Cloud 人事更迭里的乱局

Google Cloud CEO 易主,CNBC 采访了多位前员工,梳理出 Google Cloud 里的乱局。尤其是云服务 CEO Diane Greene 与 Google CEO 皮查伊之间的矛盾:

Two former employees described a recent disagreement between the two over a controversial contract with the Department of Defense, dubbed Project Maven. After employees and outsiders called on Google Cloud Platform to cancel the contract, Pichai wanted to listen to the protestors, the people said.

Greene initially resisted these calls, however, as the project was both a lucrative deal and an important on-ramp to future government work, regardless of its effect on Google’s reputation or employee morale.

如果说上述矛盾还仅仅是公司文化的认同,毕竟皮查伊是在 Google 呆了 14 年的「老人」,Diane 仅仅是 2015 年来到 Google。那么,两人在收购决策的矛盾就有点让人无法理解了:

Greene wanted to buy GitHub but Pichai was less enthusiastic, unclear why Google would spend big money to get into the market for developer tools, said a person close to the business. Google’s bid for GitHub, whose cloud software lets programmers collaborate and share code, came in at just under $6 billion, and it declined to raise the price after being told of Microsoft’s offer, the person said.

事实上,去年 12 月,Google 宣布前英特尔数据中心负责人 Diane Bryant 加盟 Google Cloud,两个 Diane 陷入到一轮又一轮的「权利的游戏」中:

At Google, Greene and Bryant clashed almost from the beginning, according to people with knowledge of the matter. Bryant ended up with the limited roles of running support and information technology, two people said, and lasted only seven months at the company

更重要的一点,Google 作为全球最具创新性的公司,其内部强势的工程师公司文化,让云计算的销售低人一等:

Google is an engineering machine. It’s the world’s best-capitalized research lab, loaded up with Ph.D.s in artificial intelligence who are developing the technology that will define the future. People who aren’t software engineers, including those in sales, can often feel like second-class citizens, according to former employees.

Zhao Saipo

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赵赛坡,科技博客作者、资深科技观察家、付费科技评论 Dailyio 创始人、出品人,覆盖 3000+ 付费用户。 曾担任 TechTarget 中国区记者、频道主编、AI 自媒体「机器之心」前联合创始人。