冷眼看 5G、李开复谈AI、高通汽车策略以及硅谷公司的另一面等 #weekly Spot 010


这周的「Weekly Spot」,你可以看到如下精彩推荐:

  • 任正非都在给 5G 降温,我们到底该如何看待 5G ?
  • 《六十分》节目里的李开复(大师);
  • 高通的汽车策略;
  • 荐书:隐藏在硅谷巨头背后的秘密;
  • 「决策科学」能不能让人的决策更科学?


冷眼看 5G 

本周,华为宣布了 5G 的新进展。其官方的新闻稿提出了三个重大进展:

  1. 发布全球首个 5G 基站核心芯片:天罡。
  2. 截止到 2019 年 1 月,华为已经在全球获得30个5G商用合同,25,000多个5G基站已发往世界各地;
  3. 发布 5G 多模终端芯片「巴龙 5000」和 5G 商用终端(GPE)。

与此同时,华为消费者业务 CEO 余承东还表示,华为首款 5G 手机也将在下月底的 MWC 上发布。

在 2019 CES 之后,5G 已成为全球性的科技话题,此时华为 5G 的产品布局也得到了海内外媒体的广泛报道。不过,围绕 5G 的讨论,除了技术上的术语解读之外,我也特别留意到任正非上周接受国内媒体采访时的一番表态:


在当下这样热度里,任正非的这番对 5G 降温的表态并不会得到太多关注。而最近另一篇试图给 5G 降温的文章也展现了当下少有的冷静,a16z 合伙人 Ben Evans 表示,5G 并不是一个革命。

Evans 曾担任过电信分析师,但他这篇文章是站在硅谷以及互联网的角度,试图梳理出 5G 时代的机遇和挑战,并将当下媒体常常提及的所谓「5G 时代可以爆发的产业」进行了一番剖析,写得的非常精彩。比如他对于 5G 时代的 VR:

I think of VR as fundamentally an indoor product – you will not use it walking down the street or pop it open for 20 seconds while you’re waiting for the bus. That means that the connectivity is whatever your home broadband is – DSL, fiber, cable or, perhaps, 5G, plus however you connect to that (i.e. WiFi, mostly). 5G here means two different possibilities. It might mean fixed 5G (with very limited coverage) at up to a gigabit/sec to an antenna outside your home and then WiFi to the headset, or else it means a cellular, ‘mobile’ modem in your device, in which case you will get speeds much closer to today’s 4G LTE (again, 20 GHz signals do not go through walls). You’ll also get 5G latency, which is better than 4G. It 5G better than the existing connection? Will you notice? Is that what VR is waiting for? For how many applications?

Evans 特别提到了 5G 的网络切片属性。简而言之,运营商可以将 5G 流量进行更精细的切分和运营,可以实现通过控制流量「管道」粗细来运营不同的流量。Evans 写道:

Hence, you could theoretically customise any mix of data speed, coverage, quality, latency, and reliability, or even more narrow things like power consumption, and there will probably be a layer of resellers that emerges to aggregate and implement these kinds of services on behalf of MNOs. This seems interesting – it also seems likely to be an enterprise and vertical application story, not a consumer story.


李开复谈 AI 

本周,我看完了李开复接受美国 CBS 王牌节目《60 分》的采访,这期讨论的主题是「人工智能」,从脸部识别到情绪识别,从技术发展到社会经济影响再到政府管理等多个方面。


….Silicon Valley has been the single epicenter of the world technology innovation when it comes to computers, internet, mobile and AI. But in the recent five years, we are seeing that Chinese AI is getting to be almost as good as Silicon Valley AI. And I think Silicon Valley is not quite aware of it yet.

China’s advantage is in the amount of data it collects. The more data, the better the AI. Just like the more you know, the smarter you are. China has four times more people than the United States who are doing nearly everything online.

但事实上,所谓数据量越大、AI 越好的说法是极其片面的,我曾在本月的一期会员通讯里讨论过这个问题:

……如上文所言,数据是人工智能里的「燃料」,尤其在已标注的数据。然而,AI 的数据与发电时的燃料所不同的一点:尽管数据越多越好,但当数据量达到某个阈值之后,其 AI 模型的精准度并不会继续提升。也就是说,AI 的数据无法成为一种规模经济,依靠更多数据来降低整个 AI 成本,几乎是不可能的事情。

另外值得一提的是,数据不会成为 AI 巨头们竞争的第一要务。原因也不难理解,即便是中美两大数据量最大的公司——阿里巴巴与 Google——其所拥有的数据还是自身业务数据,阿里的电商数据可以直接应用到制造业的 AI 模型训练吗?显然不能,同理,Google 的搜索数据,也无法帮助其 AI 模型应对零售业的需求。

从这个角度去看,AI 数据成本,既无法通过数据量扩大形成规模经济而降低,也不能依靠 AI 巨头们自身的数据优势。

我相信李开复不可能不清楚这一点,但他作为一个投资人,尤其是游走在中美两国 AI 领域的投资者,他需要一套中美两国都可以接受的话语体系,能够集中体现这套话语体系的,还有他在 2018 年出版的《AI·未来》,该书甚至成为《经济学人》年度推荐图书。

回到李开复的专访,节目主持人 Scott Pelley 接连抛出了几个「敏感问题」,涉及 AI 与中国政府,李开复的应对可称之为「教科书般」的回答:

Scott Pelley: President Xi has called technology the sharp weapon of the modern state. What does he mean by that?

Kai-Fu Lee: I am not an expert in interpreting his thoughts. I don’t know.

Scott Pelley: There are those, particularly people in the west who worry about this AI technology as being something that governments will use to control their people and to crush dissent.

Kai-Fu Lee: As a venture capitalist, we don’t invest in this area, and we’re not studying deeply this particular problem.

Scott Pelley: But governments do.

Kai-Fu Lee: It’s certainly possible for governments to use the technologies, just like companies.


With a pliant public, the leader of the Communist Party has made a national priority of achieving AI dominance in ten years. This is where Kai-Fu Lee becomes uncharacteristically shy. Even though he’s a former Apple, Microsoft and Google executive, he knows who’s boss in China.



高通的汽车策略。 CES 期间,高通展现了其在汽车领域的布局,这篇文章提供了一个全视角,详细介绍了高通的汽车策略,推荐一读。

BAT 三巨头的 AI 江湖。 MIT 科技评论通过三幅图展现了 BAT 三巨头如何影响中国 AI 江湖,下面两幅图分别是 BAT 投资的 AI 公司数量以及所涉及的不同领域。



全球名校计算机公开课资源。最后分享一个来自 Github 的资源,汇集了 MIT、斯坦福以及普林斯顿大学的计算机公开课。


本周推荐一本我刚读完的书The Four,如下面的图书封面图所示,这是一个讨论美国科技行业四巨头的图书,其副标题就是「The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google」。




Imagine: a retailer that refuses to pay sales tax, treats its employees poorly, destroys hundreds of thousands of jobs, and yet is celebrated as a paragon of business innovation.

A computer company that withholds information about a domestic act of terrorism from federal investigators, with the support of a fan following that views the firm similar to a religion.

A social media firm that analyzes thousands of images of your children, activates your phone as a listening device, and sells this information to Fortune 500 companies.

An ad platform that commands, in some markets, a 90 percent share of the most lucrative sector in media, yet avoids anticompetitive regulation through aggressive litigation and lobbyists.


Steve Jobs instinctively understood this. Attendees at the 1977 Western Computer Conference in San Francisco registered the difference the instant they walked into Brooks Hall: while all other new personal computer companies were offering stripped-out motherboards or ugly metal boxes, Jobs and Woz sat at their table behind the tan injected-plastic Apple II computers that would define the elegant Apple look. The Apple computers were beautiful; they were elegant. Most of all, in a world of hackers and gearheads, Apple’s products bespoke luxury.

Luxury is not an externality; it’s in our genes. It combines our instinctive need to transcend the human condition and feel closer to divine perfection, with our desire to be more attractive to potential mates. For millennia, we’ve knelt in churches, mosques, and temples, looked around and thought, “There is no way human hands could have created Reims/Hagia Sophia/Pantheon/Karnak. No way mere humans could have created this alchemy of sound, art, and architecture without divine inspiration. Listen to how transcendent the music is. That statue, those frescoes, these marble walls. I’m taken out of the ordinary world. This must be where God lives.

我个人比较喜欢其中对 Google 的讨论。作者指出,Google 利用搜索算法,营造出了一个知识渊博甚至未卜先知的产品形象:

Google answers every question. Our pagan ancestors lived mostly with mysteries. God heard your prayers but didn’t answer many of them. If God did speak to you, it meant you were hearing voices, a red flag in any psychological assessment. Most religious people feel watched over, but still don’t (always) know what to do. Unlike our ancestors, we are able to find safety in facts. Our questions are answered immediately, our rest assured. How to detect carbon monoxide? Here are five ways. Google even highlights the top answer—here’s what you need to know, in big type, in case you’re freaking out right now.”



  • 经济学人
    这期杂志的封面比较简单,所谓「Slowbalisation」也是对当下全球经济集体放缓的精准描述,杂志还配发了一篇社论和一篇 Briefing,同时还有两篇分析中国与欧洲地区经济发展趋势的文章。

  • 彭博商业周刊

  • 纽约客


这期杂志的封面主题是「big city」,但我更看到的是大城市里渺小的人,摩天大楼、汽车与飘落的雪花一起映射出了人的孤独和渺小。这期杂志里有一篇讨论「决策科学」的长文,梳理了人类从不同领域破解「如何科学做决定」的难题,非常有趣,推荐一读。

Zhao Saipo

View posts by Zhao Saipo
赵赛坡,科技博客作者、资深科技观察家、付费科技评论 Dailyio 创始人、出品人,覆盖 3000+ 付费用户。 曾担任 TechTarget 中国区记者、频道主编、AI 自媒体「机器之心」前联合创始人。