DailyMe#2019-07-08 2019 路透新闻报告、宠物经济、孩子沉迷屏幕兴起的新职业等

DailyMe 是我每天筛选出来的科技新闻清单,涵盖科技领域的新闻、观点、故事,点击这里订阅,周一到周五晚上 9 点发送到您的订阅邮箱。

2019 路透新闻报告全媒派编译了 2019 路透新闻报告,其中谈到了新闻的付费模式:


捆绑销售和与聚合应用合作或许会成为付费模式的新方向。例如,目前订阅泰晤士报,就可以免费访问华尔街日报,而通过Amazon Prime可以用更便宜的价格购买华盛顿邮报的付费内容。随着市场的逐渐饱和,如何做好客户留存成为了一个亟待解决的问题。在这种情况下,增值捆绑可能会变得更加重要。
另一个有潜力的模式的是与Apple News和谷歌新闻这样的平台聚合应用合作。这些应用的价格往往更为低廉,却可以让消费者同时获得多个媒体的的订阅。谷歌新闻的使用率在美国达到了15%,与华盛顿邮报的每周订阅量不相上下。Apple News的整体覆盖率虽然只有10%,但iPhone用户的覆盖率高达27%,高于大多数美国新闻网站,空间可见一斑。


随着亚马逊语音助手Echo和Google home等智能音箱的迅速普及,音频新闻可能会因此获得强有力的支持。去年,英国购买智能音箱的比例从7%增长到14%,美国从9%增长到12%,韩国从5%增长到9%。




宠物经济报告 2019·食粮篇。来自钛媒体出品的报告,主要包括以下几个方面

  • 宠物被“人化”,是宠物消费规模逐年增加的一个社会因素
  • 宠物消费,在一级市场分为三个子行业:宠物主粮、宠物零食和宠物保健品
  • 对比行业规模,如今的宠物消费市场整体上已堪比网络游戏行业
  • 趋势一:宠物食粮消费“崇洋媚外”局面已明显松动,国产品牌迎接机会蓝海
  • 趋势二:ODM模式寻求转型,中国市场“品牌意识”觉醒
  • 趋势三:“科学饮食”消费观正在传导至宠物市场,宠物零食和保健品行业发展进入快车道


A new screen-free parenting coach economy has sprung up to serve the demand. Screen consultants come into homes, schools, churches and synagogues to remind parents how people parented before.

Rhonda Moskowitz is a parenting coach in Columbus, Ohio. She has a master’s degree in K-12 learning and behavior disabilities, and over 30 years experience in schools and private practice. She barely needs any of this training now.

“I try to really meet the parents where they are, and now often it is very simple: ‘Do you have a plain old piece of material that can be used as a cape?’” said Ms. Moskowitz. “‘Great!’”
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“‘Is there a ball somewhere? Throw the ball,’” she said. “‘Kick the ball.’”

Among affluent parents, fear of phones is rampant, and it’s easy to see why. The wild look their kids have when they try to pry them off Fortnite is alarming. Most parents suspect dinnertime probably shouldn’t be spent on Instagram. The YouTube recommendation engine seems like it could make a young radical out of anyone. Now, major media outlets are telling them their children might grow smartphone-related skull horns. (That, at least, you don’t have to worry about: no such horns have yet been attributed to phones.)


In addition to the countless companies Amazon has acquired and services it has launched, we found Amazon has more than 80 private-label brands across all categories, including a dozen women’s clothing brands and (inexplicably) seven denim brands, showing how the company has expanded quietly, but at an aggressive pace

Zhao Saipo

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赵赛坡,科技博客作者、资深科技观察家、付费科技评论 Dailyio 创始人、出品人,覆盖 3000+ 付费用户。 曾担任 TechTarget 中国区记者、频道主编、AI 自媒体「机器之心」前联合创始人。