阅读清单 2017-06-21

「阅读清单」将不定期筛选全球最具阅读价值的 3 到 5 篇科技深度文章。今天你将看到如下三篇文章:

  • 苹果打击泄密的文件被泄密;
  • 特斯拉与通用之间,是价值观之战;
  • 深度学习如何制约自动驾驶?


这是一个颇具反讽的消息,苹果公司内部介绍如何打击内部泄密的文件被泄漏,正如 The Outline 的这篇报道所言:

The briefing, which offers a revealing window into the company’s obsession with secrecy, was the first of many Apple is planning to host for employees.


Historically, Apple’s biggest leaks happened when parts were stolen from factories in China. Those parts get shared with the press, like when photos of the iPhone 5 leaked in 2012, or sold on the black market.




就像上图所示,特斯拉在收入层面、员工总数以及汽车销量上都远远不及通用汽车,也因此,MIT 科技评论的这篇评论文章认为:数字化并没有像人们预期的那样带来生产率的变革


可以肯定的是,现代社会新兴职业不断涌现,比如 Uber 司机、外卖小哥等。但以美国人为例,人们已经不再像以前那样热衷于跳槽了,更换工作的频率是 20 年来最低的。

这一切当然不是数字化的错,也不是特斯拉的错。这一切都是经济转型的必然结果。人们过分高估了数字化带来的福利,而忽视了其背后的不公平,这也是当下我们观察特斯拉与通用汽车之间战争的出发点,类似的案例,早在几年前已经在 Instagram 与柯达相机之间发生过了。


TechCrunch 这篇文章采访了曾一手组建微软计算机视觉团队的 Andrew Blake,如今,他是英国自动驾驶软件创业公司 FiveAI 的科学顾问。专访内容包括自动驾驶行业发展状况和深度学习的进展,其中提到一个很重要的点,那就是现在摆在深度学习和自动驾驶面前的最大问题是什么?Blake 的答案很明确:安全。

“On the challenges ahead for autonomous vehicles
“One of the big challenges in autonomous vehicles is it’s built on machine learning technologies which are — shall we say – “quite” reliable. If you read machine learning papers, an individual technology will often be right 99% of the time… That’s pretty spectacular for most machine learning technologies… But 99% reliability is not going to be nearly enough for a safety critical technology like autonomous cars. So I think one of the very interesting things is how you combine… technologies to get something which, in the aggregate, at the level of assist, rather than the level of an individual algorithm, is delivering the kind of very high reliability that of course we’re going to demand from our autonomous transport. Safety of course is a key consideration. All of the engineering we do and the research we do is going to be building around the principle of safety — rather than safety as an afterthought or a bolt-on, it’s got to be in there right at the beginning.”

Zhao Saipo

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赵赛坡,科技博客作者、资深科技观察家、付费科技评论 Dailyio 创始人、出品人,覆盖 3000+ 付费用户。 曾担任 TechTarget 中国区记者、频道主编、AI 自媒体「机器之心」前联合创始人。