苹果押注 AI、智能手机的「人工弱智」以及 2019 手机 AI 的三个关键线索

上周,Bloomberg 记者 Mark Gurman 又拿到了关于苹果的独家信息,由于 iPhone 销量不及预期,苹果内部正在考虑是否减少人员招聘。Gurman 的信源表示,尽管还没有完全确定哪些部门会「冻结」招聘,但有一点是非常肯定的,那就是 AI 部门不受影响:

Cook said he is yet to fully determine which divisions would cut back on hiring, but said that key groups such as Apple’s artificial intelligence team would continue to add new employees at a strong pace…..


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Zhao Saipo

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